Elevate Your Android Experience with CherishOS

Experience the world of CherishOS, an exceptional aftermarket firmware built on the Android Open Source Project. Discover a wealth of features and a visually stunning user interface.


Thrilling CherishOS: Unleashing Exciting Features!

Aesthetic Interface

Immerse yourself in a visually stunning and modern user interface tailored for a delightful experience.

Responsive UI

Enjoy a seamless and adaptive user experience across devices, ensuring optimal performance and usability.


Stay at the forefront of innovation with the latest features and advancements in our AOSP-based project.

24/7 Support

Our dedicated team is available round-the-clock to assist you with any inquiries or technical support needs.


Embrace the spirit of collaboration and customization with our fully open-source AOSP project.


Prioritizing your privacy and data protection, our AOSP project incorporates robust security measures.


Explore Our Stunning Screenshots

Our Passionate Team

Dedicated Team Driven by Passion and Excellence

Hung Phan

Core Developer

Karthik Lal

Web Developer & Designer


Web Developer


Become a part of our amazing team

Build CherishOS
Step 01
Release Build
Step 02
Request Maintainership
Step 03

FAQ: Any questions on your mind? Frequently asked.

Support Group
When update?

We typically release an update after Google publishes a Security Bulletin to the public. However, there are some edge cases that may block the release. If this happens, we will notify you through our Support Channels.

Can I root?

We do not recommend rooting your device, but you may do so if you wish. Please note that updating your device may remove root access, in which case you will need to root your device again.

Why my SafetyNet didnt pass?

It is likely that you rooted your device and did not hide the root status, or you installed a modification framework like EdXposed.

Can I downgrade?

We do not recommend using an older version of CherishOS because it may have compatibility issues or cause data loss. If you attempt to downgrade, you may lose your data.